Ross is proud to have the following individuals stand with him and support his campaign for Pinal County Sheriff


“I am proud of the accomlishments WE have made over the last seven years here at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. The men and women of this agency are some of the best in the business, and it has been an honor to serve as their Sheriff. As I set my sights on a different path of service, it give me peace to know that the agency will be in good hands with Lt. Ross Teeple at the helm. I have no doubt he will successfully lead PCSO into the future.”

Mark Lamb

Sheriff Mark Lamb

“The Pinal County Sheriff needs to be a man of integrity, he needs to know the needs of not only the Sheriffs department but also the needs of the citizens of Pinal County. That’s why the best man to continue Sheriff Lamb’s work is Ross Teeple. I proudly endorse Ross Teeple of Sheriff.”

Teresa Martinez

Rep. Teresa Martinez

“Lieutenant Teeple has honorably served our county for 16 years in the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, region and country with the Department of Corrections and United States Navy. Ross is a wealth of knowledge with rules, regulations and laws of the state and a 23-year resident of our county. I expect him to do an excellent job and am proud to endorse Ross Teeple to be our next Sheriff.”

Jimmie Kerr former Casa Grande Mayor

Jimmie Kerr

PCSO Chief Deputy Matthew ThomasChief Deputy Matthew Thomas

I have been a resident of Pinal County for 35 years and an employee of the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office for 30 of those years. Starting work in the PCSO jail, and working in several different assignments in the office, I promoted through the ranks to my current position of Chief Deputy for Sheriff Mark Lamb.

Working my entire adult life at PCSO, I have strived to serve the citizens of Pinal County, and to make PCSO one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the country. As the Chief Deputy, I have been given the opportunity to not only lead from this position, but also heavily invest in the other leaders working for PCSO.

As I near the end of my career, having had the honor to work side-by-side with many great people, one of the greatest honors has been to lead and mentor those entering the field of law enforcement. One of the most rewarding things for me has been to watch many of our PCSO employees start their career and work their way through the ranks to leadership positions. Again, I have had the honor to lead and mentor many of these men and women.

As we approach an upcoming election for the next Sheriff of Pinal County, it is important to me that I voice my support for the person I believe will be the best person for that job. As most are aware, Sheriff Mark Lamb will be running for U.S. Senate, which means he will not be running for Pinal County Sheriff. This fact combined with my nearing the end of my career and approaching retirement, we looked internally at our executive level leaders to take on the challenge of filling the seat of Sheriff for PCSO.

Lieutenant Ross Teeple was a clear choice, as he has proven himself as very capable of leading the agency as the next Sheriff. Ross has impeccable character, a great temperament, an undying loyalty to Pinal County, and his experience and tenure as a law enforcement officer provide a great base of leadership to continue to lead PCSO moving forward. It is my honor to support and back Ross as he runs for Sheriff, and to provide a full endorsement of Ross Teeple for the next Pinal County Sheriff.


Roger Vanderpool

Being the Sheriff comes with awesome responsibilities, the person we choose to protect us must not only have proven experience in supervision and leadership, along with a working knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office, but they must be a person of good character, a person of integrity, a person with a proven track record of doing the right things. Take a close look at everyone running for Sheriff and I believe, you will come to the same conclusion as I have; Ross Teeple is the right man to be our next Sheriff.

Roger Vanderpool

Congressman Eli Crane


Additional Endorsements

Abraham Hamadeh, Republican nominee for Arizona Attorney General

Western Pinal County Chapter of the Arizona Republican Assembly

Donate to Campaign

Please remember the maxiumum contribution is limited to $6,650 per Arizona Law.

Ross Teeple for Pinal County Sheriff